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Iconic AF. Season 1, Episode 2: Soul Rebel

24″ X 30″ Acrylic Painting on Canvas of the late great Bob Marley

I grew up in Lagos with Iconic tunes from this great man coming through pretty much every transistor radio in every local kiosk on every corner. My brain still takes me back to particular places and times when I hear some of his songs. Bob Marley was and remains a legend to us Nigerians because of his courage and musicianship. I mean this man literally got shot at during a concert and went right back to playing the very next one as if nothing happened. When asked why he’d risk his life, his response was simple and powerful. I’m paraphrasing here, but it went something like: “the people who are trying to make the world worse aren’t taking days off, so those of us trying to make the world better can’t either”… #respect. This is the second piece of work in season 1 of the “Iconic AF” series. You can see snapshots of works in progress from this series on the instagram page

Without Wax

Chuba Oyolu Ph.D.

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